Thursday, 17 January 2013

Give Alcohol The Boot

We've all done it, been left red-faced the next day after a boozy night out with friends. Behaved stupidly or done something unsavoury while under the influence, and reliving it again the next time your friends ring or visit you. Meanwhile alot of the time you can't even remember doing half the stuff they tell you about. Pretty embarrassing wasn't it, but what happens when that sort of stuff happen all the time? When it becomes the norm, as they say, and it's always when your intoxicated.

Alcohol can ruin people's lives when their drinking becomes a problem. Often not remembering what you've done the day before or curing a hangover with more alcohol becomes normal behaviours for people with alcohol addiction. When they stop caring about anything and everything, hurt family and friends by their behaviour or start pushing people away, you will realise that there really is a problem. A person will do anything to get that next drink, it won't matter how,where or what they do to get it as long as they have it. 


This addiction can stem from early childhood experiences or possibly something traumatic that has happened in a persons life. Sometimes though it may even be something as simple as drinking that has just gotten out of control. What ever may be the reason when you can admit to yourself that you have a problem with alcohol is when you can receive help for your addiction. Many times when alcoholism is evident there is a degree of denial from that person that they have even got a problem, and no amount of talking to them will make them change their minds.

Seeking professional will not help unless they admit to themselves first that alcohol has taken over their lives. This is often the hardest part, trying to get them to take that first step.

So why is alcohol so appealing to us when it can damage us in this way, or when it can contribute to so many life threatening diseases such as heart disease, breast or colorectal cancer, diabetes or increase the risk of a rare type of stroke called "haemorrhagic stroke", which involves bursting blood vessels. As little as two drinks a day for women could lead to liver disease. The risks far outweigh any benefits if you go overboard with alcohol.

Take a look at this video....


Although you have a addiction with alcohol its never to late to get help, making an appointment with you GP or talking to someone about getting help are stepping stone to getting your life back on track one day at a time. Most important though is admitting to yourself that you have a problem with's hard to recover from anything if you don't have faith in yourself and the support from others. If you feel life would be BETTER learning to control or quit drinking all together then this link will be vital to YOU.....


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