Saturday, 19 January 2013

Be Sensible With Alcohol

Less than 5% of deaths are directly attributable to alcohol in most countries, it is the abuse of alcohol that is one of the major health problems in modern times. It is also a factor in one third of hospital admissions. Alcohol has been around for centuries, and will continue to be. Of course many people consume alcohol in moderation so therefore adds to their pleasure and relaxation. Hopefully more education should help to overcome the problem and increase the number of people who drink it responsibly. The main thing for those who drink alcohol, is to understand the health hazards linked with the abuse of alcohol, and to realise the meaning of SAFE DRINKING and drinking to ENJOY YOURSELF. Constantly drinking to excess will eventually damage tissue in the brain, liver, heart, muscles, lungs, pancreas, nervous system, genitals, gastrointestinal tract and blood and skin.


Alcohol is high in kilojoules about 29kj per gram. It is recommended that men and women should not drink more than two standard drinks in one day. Moderate alcohol consumption helps raise "good' HDL (High Density Lipoproteins, which are beneficial fats) cholesterol levels and helps protect against heart disease. But if you have diabetes be sure to check with your doctor first. Remember people who have more than 3 standard drinks a day, have a much higher risk of diabetes and heart disease. So if drinking is going to play a part in your life it is important to adhere to healthy guidelines, otherwise quality of life could be limited.


Like everything there are pros and cons to drinking alcohol, it really is the decision of every individual to drink or not. The bottom line is at the end of the day whatever you choose, you have to deal with the consequences. 

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