Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Quit Feeling Sorry For Yourself

Yes it's true life can be hard at the best of times, so why would you make it more difficult on yourself by drinking yourself into oblivium when times get tough. Many people in todays society are coping this way, and why? What makes us rely on alcohol to help us get by? Is it because we are to scared to ask for help when we can't pay bills on time or just don't know how to handle somethings or situations.

CLICK HERE  to quit alcohol today for the better....

 Its just human nature to hide away and not ask for assistance when we need it the most, therefore we believe we are not worthy of others care. So usually we turn to other so called solutions like alcohol, which is just a bandade solution really. Cause when you wake up, the problems are still going to be there. If you need assistance or just a helping hand to get back on track, DON'T TURN TO ALCOHOL!
Ask someone for help and you will recieve...

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Sick Of Hangovers...

Are hangovers really worth all the vomiting, and popping pills trying to stop that massive headache. That bad taste of alcohol from the night before and not to mention the dryness in your mouth. Not being able to do anything but lay on the couch or sleep off the ill affects, it really is a waste of a day where you could otherwise be outside doing something else more productive. So if your sick of having hangovers maybe you need to check out this link.

                                CLICKETH HERE

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Don't Drive While Intoxicated

Driving under the influence is becoming a major factor in serious and fatal car accidents. Being pulled over by the police and taking a blood alcohol test, then being dragged off to the police station. How does that make you feel? Embarrassed, ashamed, irresponsible or just plain stupid. Any person who jumps into the drivers seat while intoxicated by alcohol is not doing anyone a favour including themselves. More and more people, for whatever reason are drink driving. Why are the numbers growing when we've all seen, heard or know the affects it can have on our lives?

CLICK HERE to get help to stop drinking alcohol....

Drink driving will have lasting affects on peoples lives

- weather they lose their license and lose their jobs
- they are sentence to jail
-fatally wounding someone

everyone should always think before they drink and drive.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Affects Of Alcohol To A Foetus

Drinking alcohol really can be a problem to women especially while carrying a baby. It can damage the cells that aid the foetus in developing, because alcohol can pass through the mother's blood to the baby's blood. Alcohol abuse during pregnancy can be the cause of things like -

* Stillbirth
* The child being born prematurely
* Miscarriage and
* Deformities.


Alcohol can be the lead cause of mental or physical disabitlities that the child will live with for the rest of their lives. Because every individual handles alcohol differently no one knows how much exactly is safe to drink while pregnant.

Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) shows the range of alcohol affects on a child. From mild to severe.


- Birth defects
- Problems with learning and behaviour
- Distinctive facial features (large head, flat face)
- Smaller than most other children. Stunted growth due to drinking alcohol while pregnant.
- Very unsettled baby, has hard time bonding or feeding.


The best way to go while excitedly waiting for that little person to arrive is to not drink at all, which is backed by many doctors. Cause remember you only get one chance to do it right and bring a beautiful, healthy child into the world. If you are having problems with alcohol while pregnant, talk to someone, your doctor, your mum, anybody. Don't suffer in silence. Get help....

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Here's Something To Think About

CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO!!! How To See The Signs Your Becoming An Alcoholic....

                                    CLICK HERE NOW TO WATCH

Monday, 28 January 2013

Don't Let Alcohol Take Over Your Life!!!

Do you want to learn the shocking facts of how ALCOHOL is affecting your mind, body and health?


CLICK HERE  to learn-

* The fastest and easiest  way to QUIT alcohol and get your life back on track, thats a guarantee!!!

*See a small sample of what you'll learn.

* Read success stories, PROOF that the program really does work.

And best of all if you order NOW you'll recieve 5 gifts worth at least $298.97 for ABSOLUTELY FREE!


have 8 weeks NO-RISK unconditional 100% money back guaranteed. No questions asked. PERIOD.


Monday, 21 January 2013

Alcohol In The House Encourage Kids To Drink Later In Life?

It is said that the influence of alcohol starts from an early age. Such as growing up in a household with alcohol constantly present. Isn't it hard to understand how even if this is so, that some children fall into the same habit of drinking like their parents later in their adult lives and that others don't. Why do you think this is so?.....

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Be Sensible With Alcohol

Less than 5% of deaths are directly attributable to alcohol in most countries, it is the abuse of alcohol that is one of the major health problems in modern times. It is also a factor in one third of hospital admissions. Alcohol has been around for centuries, and will continue to be. Of course many people consume alcohol in moderation so therefore adds to their pleasure and relaxation. Hopefully more education should help to overcome the problem and increase the number of people who drink it responsibly. The main thing for those who drink alcohol, is to understand the health hazards linked with the abuse of alcohol, and to realise the meaning of SAFE DRINKING and drinking to ENJOY YOURSELF. Constantly drinking to excess will eventually damage tissue in the brain, liver, heart, muscles, lungs, pancreas, nervous system, genitals, gastrointestinal tract and blood and skin.


Alcohol is high in kilojoules about 29kj per gram. It is recommended that men and women should not drink more than two standard drinks in one day. Moderate alcohol consumption helps raise "good' HDL (High Density Lipoproteins, which are beneficial fats) cholesterol levels and helps protect against heart disease. But if you have diabetes be sure to check with your doctor first. Remember people who have more than 3 standard drinks a day, have a much higher risk of diabetes and heart disease. So if drinking is going to play a part in your life it is important to adhere to healthy guidelines, otherwise quality of life could be limited.


Like everything there are pros and cons to drinking alcohol, it really is the decision of every individual to drink or not. The bottom line is at the end of the day whatever you choose, you have to deal with the consequences. 

Friday, 18 January 2013

Did You Know?...

That while there are other contributing factors to the incidence of cancer, it's believed that alcohol is the primary cause of certain differing proportions of specific cancers. Statistics from the Australian Cancer Council say cancer attributable to excessive amounts of alcohol intake are 1 in 94 men and 1 in 76 for women.


*A standard drink contains 10ml of alcohol
*One standard drink is equal to 300ml of ordinary strength beer, 425ml of low alcohol or light beer
*100ml of wine
*30ml of spirits and
*60ml of fortified wine such as sherry. 


-About 4% of breast cancers are thought to to be related to the level of intake of alcohol. The more you drink the higher the risks. Researchers believe higher oestrogen levels are produced when drinking is increased.
-A study of more than 4600 cases of colorectal cancer among  475000 people who participated, found that the ones who drink 45ml of alcohol per day increased their risk by 41%. It increased by 16% in those who consumed 30-44ml a day.
-Its harder to conceive if you are drinking more than 3 drinks a day. Alcohol disrupts menstrual cycles and cause temporary infertility.
- Alcohol can boost psorosis risk and may contribute to psorosis sufferers flare-ups.


This is just a few facts they you may not have known. Heavy drinking may influence gum disease by affecting the immune system, ability to fight infection, it can interfere with blood clotting and lead to vitamin and protein deficencies that make it harder for our bodies to heal wounds. So there's something to think about for now do it in moderation or quit drinking, because there are many reasons why....

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Give Alcohol The Boot

We've all done it, been left red-faced the next day after a boozy night out with friends. Behaved stupidly or done something unsavoury while under the influence, and reliving it again the next time your friends ring or visit you. Meanwhile alot of the time you can't even remember doing half the stuff they tell you about. Pretty embarrassing wasn't it, but what happens when that sort of stuff happen all the time? When it becomes the norm, as they say, and it's always when your intoxicated.

Alcohol can ruin people's lives when their drinking becomes a problem. Often not remembering what you've done the day before or curing a hangover with more alcohol becomes normal behaviours for people with alcohol addiction. When they stop caring about anything and everything, hurt family and friends by their behaviour or start pushing people away, you will realise that there really is a problem. A person will do anything to get that next drink, it won't matter how,where or what they do to get it as long as they have it. 


This addiction can stem from early childhood experiences or possibly something traumatic that has happened in a persons life. Sometimes though it may even be something as simple as drinking that has just gotten out of control. What ever may be the reason when you can admit to yourself that you have a problem with alcohol is when you can receive help for your addiction. Many times when alcoholism is evident there is a degree of denial from that person that they have even got a problem, and no amount of talking to them will make them change their minds.

Seeking professional will not help unless they admit to themselves first that alcohol has taken over their lives. This is often the hardest part, trying to get them to take that first step.

So why is alcohol so appealing to us when it can damage us in this way, or when it can contribute to so many life threatening diseases such as heart disease, breast or colorectal cancer, diabetes or increase the risk of a rare type of stroke called "haemorrhagic stroke", which involves bursting blood vessels. As little as two drinks a day for women could lead to liver disease. The risks far outweigh any benefits if you go overboard with alcohol.

Take a look at this video....


Although you have a addiction with alcohol its never to late to get help, making an appointment with you GP or talking to someone about getting help are stepping stone to getting your life back on track one day at a time. Most important though is admitting to yourself that you have a problem with alcohol....it's hard to recover from anything if you don't have faith in yourself and the support from others. If you feel life would be BETTER learning to control or quit drinking all together then this link will be vital to YOU.....